One of the best parts about festivals and raves is dancing the night away! We all love that feeling of our body being flooded with endorphins, and it’s important to get up and get that booty moving during quarantine for the same feels.
My good friend Sydney Benner is a fitness instructor, but with a twist. Sydney is one of the few instructors that I’ve come across who has a true passion for EDM music, and is a festival attendee herself. (Her last even pre-quarantine was Burning Man). Sydney’s workout class isn’t about shuffling (cuz I’m nowhere near coordinated enough for that) but have some simple dance moves mixed in with standard workout moves to keep you grooving.
Most of Sydney’s classes take place on Zoom, but I got the chance to work with her on 5 moves to get your body moving in quarantine! Focused on, of course, your rave booty!
Here are 5 Moves to Get the Perfect Rave Booty:
1. Pelvic Tilt - single leg kick out - Repeat 10x on each leg
Lay on your back and lift your booty off the floor and your pelvis high leaving your shoulder blades and triceps on your mat. Next lift one leg straight up while raising your glutes higher, then bring it into tabletop gently lowering the glutes (hovering off the mat) all while keeping your booty lifted and tight!
With your foot flexed, repeat 10x then switch to the other leg!
2. Table Pose - Booty Lifts - Repeat 10x on each leg
Position 1:
Next, flip over to tabletop and lift one leg high and your arms slightly ahead of your shoulders. Keep your leg straight, it’s less about lifting your leg high, and more about extending your leg with control while in alignment with your hip.
Position 2:
Next, move your leg forward toward your elbow, leaning your whole body toward your arms for position two. Flow back to position one to complete the move, and repeat 10x! After that, switch to the other leg!
3. Squats Into Pulses - 10 squats, 10 pluses, 4x
Oh, who doesn’t love a classic squat to get that booty working! Sometimes I get lazy with my squats, so use Sydney’s form below to make sure you get the most of your squats! Squat low, then stretch high extending your arms each time.
Do 10 squats like this, then pulse for 10 low squats. Repeat this 4x!
Position 1:
Position 2:
4. Side-lying kickbacks - Repeat 10x on each leg
Position 1-
Make sure your mat is nice and cushioned under your hip bone for this one! Use your bottom arm to brace your body weight (forearm pressed into the mat with your elbow under shoulder), and the top arm should equally press into the floor.
Bend your bottom leg back and extend your top leg on an angle behind you.

Position 2:
Then, bring the leg into a crunch letting your thigh touch your elbow, then extend it back out again. Repeat these positions 10x, then switch to the other leg!

5. Single-Leg lunge to squat - Repeat 10x on each leg
These, KILL ME. Pick which leg to go forward first, then maintaining balance squat down making your back leg parallel with the floor.
Repeat 10x on each leg. If you’re looking for even more of a challenge, after doing 10 on one side, do 10 pulses at the bottom! This is a great move that also makes you hold your core!

Steal Sydney’s Look: Boujee Baby Marabou Trim Top, Backstage Babe Mesh Biker Shorts, Malibu BB High Cut Bottoms, It’s the Right Time Dad Sneakers
I hope you enjoyed these moves! Remember, it’s not about working out and getting in shape, it’s about moving your body and feeling good! If you want more, check out Sydney’s Instagram for class times to join the dance party!
Share your pics trying these moves in your iHeartRaves workout gear (or rave gear turned workout) on Instagram!
Be sure to tag @iheartraves, @SydneyBenner, and @FestFashions for a chance to be featured!