How You Know It's PLUR
Alex Jennison |

How You Know It's PLUR

A lot of people outside the rave community ask me what it means to be PLUR, how people express it, and basically, what PLUR is in general. Frequently, I find myself explaining that PLUR can be anything from doing random acts of kindness to letting the people you love know that you love them.

Although it can be conveyed and experienced in our everyday lives, there's nothing like those moments when you're at a festival where you truly feel the meaning of PLUR.

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9 Fun Ways to Keep Your Kandi Organized
Alex Jennison |

9 Fun Ways to Keep Your Kandi Organized

You'll still be a mess (probably), but I'm about to give you the tools you need to take back some control of your kandi making space.


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11 Festival Essentials You Don't Know You Needed
Dot Yuson |

11 Festival Essentials You Don't Know You Needed

Because this article isn’t about the basics. Let’s talk about the things you’ll want that nobody really tells you about. Some say the smart man learns from his mistakes, but the wise man learns from the smart man’s mistakes. 

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5 Knots Every Kandi Kid Should Know
Dot Yuson |

5 Knots Every Kandi Kid Should Know

I think the most common question I get from people who know I make kandi is how I get the perfect kandi knot. Although I’d love to be able to just use one knot, the reality is there isn’t any one “perfect” kandi knot. It’s all about knowing which knot to use in what situation. Here is a list of some of my favorite kandi knots!

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