The Ultimate Guide to Goldrush Festival
Julia Sachs |

The Ultimate Guide to Goldrush Festival

Goldrush Festival, the festival known for fringed-cowboy hats and flared chaps in the wild west of Avondale, Arizona returns this 2023 to Phoenix Raceway as Goldrush: Sonoran Skies. On October 7-8, you’ll find yourself reinvigorated by the gold mine of special stages and sets curated especially for this backwater Sonoran Desert fest! See you there, cowgirls and cowboys!  Continue Reading
The Art of Emotional Release — An Interview With Elohim
Julia Sachs |

The Art of Emotional Release — An Interview With Elohim

Elohim, a Los Angeles-based musician known for her openness about mental health alongside its struggles, laces a sense of fierce perseverance in her songwriting and production style.  Continue Reading
Electric Forest 2023: Dare to Dream
Julia Sachs |

Electric Forest 2023: Dare to Dream

The Forest Family once again exited Rothbury changed from soul-nourishment moments bestowed from the dance floor, ultimately leaving more grateful and hopeful than before.  Continue Reading